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  4. Moving or Copying a Form Instance

Moving or Copying a Form Instance

Requirements: The user attempting to move or copy the form instance requires a role with the Copy and Move Form permissions in the same Division and Organisational Area as the form instance they’re attempting to move or copy, and the Division and Organisational Areas. Otherwise, they will be unable to copy or move any form instances.

The Form Template of the form instance attempting to be moved or copied will also require the Allow Move parameter set to True, and or the Allow Copy parameter to be set to another option other than No.

Moving or Copying a Form Instance

Within the Forms module, navigate to and open the form instance that needs to be moved or copied.

Once inside the form, select the Division and Organisational Area dropdown located at the top of the form, to the right-hand side next to the Form Template name and select the Division or Organisational Area that the form requires to be moved or copied to.

After selecting the new Division or Organisational Area, some small instruction text should appear located to the right-hand side stating, “Please click Copy or Move button to either copy or move this form to the selected Division / Organisational Area”. Select the button with the down arrow a bit further to the right of the instruction text to show the dropdown and select either Move or Copy.

One you’ve selected either Move or Copy, the instruction text should disappear. Then all that’s left is to select the Save button to save the form that has been moved, or the new form that’s been created when copying.



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