Uploading a Document

The Documents module in InformationLeader allows users to upload various documents (such as Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations images and more) with features such as version control, release control and watermarking in a logical manner. This guide will go through uploading and configuring a new document in the Documents module and Configuring Custom Document Permissions after upload.

Configuring and Uploading a Document

Select the Documents module to navigate to the Documents Summary page (navigate to the folder you wish to upload the document in if required).

Using the Search Filter dropdown, ensure it’s set to [All Statuses] to enable the New button. Then select the New button to bring up the Documents popup.

Note: If you select New while on the Documents Summary page, the Documents popup will show the Location section by default. However, if you have navigated to a folder from the Documents Summary and selected New, the Documents popup will show the Details section by default.

If you see the Location section of the Documents popup, you can use the dropdown to select for a folder to upload the document in. Otherwise, leave it as Documents – Documents to upload the document to the Document Summary and select Next to continue to the Details section.

On the Details section of the Documents popup, enter the information as below:

    • Type: This dropdown will allow you to choose whether to upload a new document or create a new folder by selecting either Document or Folder. For this guide, we will want to select Document.
    • Code: Create a unique identifier for the document. You cannot have more than one document with the same code in the same location. It’s good practice to ensure the Code is a shortened version of the documents Name.
    • Name: Input the name for the document.
    • Category: Use this dropdown to assign a Category to the document.
    • Release Control: This dropdown allows users to set a specific process for the approval and release (defined in InformationLeader as Release Control or Shared Release Control) of the document being uploaded. By default, this will be set to Default Release Control (this option will be greyed out if there are no other Release Controls available).
    • Status: This dropdown can be used to set the Status for the document when it’s uploaded. This will also reflect the statuses that are in the Release Control that is selected. By default, it will be set to Draft.
    • Version Seed: This field can be used to set a specific Version for the document when it’s initially uploaded. This will be the Version that the document will update when changes are made in future (Minor changes will be represented by adding x.1 to the Version, whereas Major releases will be represented by adding 1.x to the Version)
    • Resize (Image Only): If the file being uploaded is an image, this field can be used to resize the image to help reduce the file size, and in turn manage the database growth (there will be 3 options, Large, Medium and Small as well as an Original option, we recommend setting this field to at least Large).
    • Owner: This dropdown can be used to select a user to be an Owner for the document being uploaded. By default, this will be set to the current user that is uploading the document.
    • Review Date: Using this date picker, you will be able to select a date for this document to be flagged as requiring a review. The Exclamation Mark button to the right of the date field can be used to configure certain behaviours (such as notifying a Role or user) when that review date is reached (this will be covered in a separate article).
    • Input File Path and Name: By selecting the Choose File button or by selecting the blank field beside it, you will be able to navigate to and select the document or file you want to upload. Once you have selected the document, select the Open button and the documents name will appear in the field.
    • Default PDF Version Required: This checkbox will determine whether or not the document will be converted to a PDF automatically when it’s uploaded. By default, this will be enabled (we recommend leaving this enabled).

When the above fields have been filled in, selecting the Save button will upload the document. However, the Permissions will still need to be configured for the document. Selecting Next will show the Permissions section, where you can copy the Permissions from another document in the same location and assign the document only to specific Divisions if required, as well as add some Extended Details including Keywords to help search for the document and Document Comments that may be applicable.

Note: If you would like to apply custom Permissions to the document, see the Configuring Custom Document Permissions section in this article below.

By selecting Next, you will see the Permissions section of the Documents popup. Here you can use the dropdown to select a specific document in the same location you are uploading your document in. If there are no other documents in that location as per the example screenshot below, you will need to configure the permissions manually (see the Configuring Custom Document Permissions section below).

Select Save if you don’t require the document to be assigned only to specific Divisions, otherwise click Next to navigate to the Division Assign section.

On the Division Assign section, you can select Divisions from the Available Divisions area on the left side and use the right arrow to bring them into the Assigned Divisions area on the right of the Division Assign section. Alternatively, you can remove Assigned Divisions by selecting them on the right side and using the left arrow to move them into the Available Divisions area on the left side of the Division Assign section. The document will be available in the Divisions under the Assigned Divisions section.

You can select Save if you don’t require Extended Details against the document you’re uploading. Otherwise, you can select Next to navigate to the Extended Details (You can also add Extended Details to the document at any point).

Using the Keywords field below, you can configure keywords that relate to the document or file being uploaded separated by a space. You can also add comments to the Document Comments field help to clarify its purpose, which can help with managing the document for multiple users, as well as future management.

Select Save when you’re done adding Keywords and Document Comments and the document will be uploaded.

Configuring Custom Document Permissions

To configure custom Permissions for the document, once the document has been uploaded and is highlighted, select the Perm… button located just to the left of the New button used earlier. This will navigate to the Permissions page for the selected document.

Alternatively, you can select the documents icon under the Open column to open the Document Details page. Then select the Perm… button located on the right of the buttons to open the Permissions page.


Here you will be able to specify certain Permissions for each Role to control access for which users can access the document. From NoneRead, Write and View, using the associated check boxes. Alternatively, you can use the Set All Items To dropdown to set every Role in the list to a specific Permission. When the Permissions have been configured, select the Save button.

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